[34] J.-K. Roh, J.-Ho Lee, S. H. Jin* and C.-H.Lee*, “Negligible hysteresis of molybdenum disulfide field-effect transistors through thermal annealing”, Journal of Information Display, vol.17, no.3, pp.103-108 (2016) (* Co-corresponding authors)
[33] J.-K. Roh, I.-T. Cho, H. W. Shin, G. W. Baek, B. H. Hong, J.-H. Lee, S. H. Jin* and C.-H. Lee*, "Fluorinated CYTOP passivation effects on the electrical reliability of multilayer MoS2 field-effect transistors," Nanotechnology, 26, 455201-45528 (2015) (* Co-corresponding authors)
[32] S. H. Jin, S.-K. Kang, I.-T. Cho, S. Y. Han, H. U. Chung, D. J. Lee, J. Shin, G. W. Baek, T.-i. Kim, J.-H. Lee, and J. A. Rogers , “Water-Soluble Thin Film Transistors and Circuits Based on Amorphous Indium–Gallium–Zinc Oxide”, ACS Applied Materials & Interface 7, 8268-8274 (2015)
[31] In-Tak Cho, Jong In Kim, Yoonki Hong, Jeongkyun Roh, Hyeonwoo Shin, Geun Woo Baek, Changhee Lee, Byung Hee Hong, Sung Hun Jin, and Jong-Ho Lee., “ Low frequency noise characteristics in multilayer WSe2 field effect transistor”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 023504 (2015)
[30] Frank Du, Jonathan R. Felts, Xu Xie, Jizhou Song, Yuhang Li, Matthew R. Rosenberger, AhmadE. Islam, Sun Hun Jin, Simon N. Dunham, Chenxi Zhang, William L. Wilson, Yonggang Huang, William P. King, and John A. Rogers, “Lase-Induced Nanoscale Thermocapillary Flow for Purification of Aligned Arrays of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes”, ACS Nano 8, 12641-12649 (2014)
[29] Y.-J. Han, Y.-J. Choi, I.-T. Cho, S. H. Jin, J.-H. Lee, and H. –I. Kwon, “Improvement of Long-Term Durability and Bias Stress Stability in p-Type SnO Thin-Film Transistors Using a SU-8 Passivation Layer”, IEEE Electron Device Letter, vol. 35, no. 12, pp. 1260-1262 (2014)
[28] X. Xie*, S. H. Jin*, M. A. Wahab, A. Islam, C. Zhang, F. Du, E. Seabron, T. Lu, S. N. Dunham, H. Chen, Y.C. Tu, Z. Guo, H. U. Chung, Y. Li, Y. Liu, J.-H. Lee, J. Song, Y. Huang, M. A. Alam, W.L. Wilson and J. A. Rogers “Microwave Purification of Large-area, Horizontally Aligned Arrays of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes,” Nature Communication 5:5332, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms 6332 (2014)
[27] J. Song, C. Lu, C. Zhang, S. H. Jin, Y. Li, S. N. Dunham, X. Xie, F. Du, Y. Huang, and J. A. Rogers, “Modeling of thermocapillary flow to purify single walled carbon nanotubes,” Royal Society of Chemistry 4, 42454 (2014)
[26] M. U, I.-T. Cho, S. H. Jin, J.-H. Lee, and H.-I. Kwon, “Effects of the Active Layers Deposition Temperature on the Electrical Performance of p-type SnO Thin-film Transistors,” Journal of the Korean Physical society 65, 286-290 (2014)
[25] J. I. Kim, K. S. Chang, D. U. Kim, I.-T. Cho, C.-Y. Jeong, D. Lee, H.-I. Kwon, S. H. Jin, and J. H. Lee, “Thermoreflectance microscopy analysis on self-heating effect of short-channel amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O thin film transistors,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 043501 (2014)
[24] S. H. Jin*, J.M. Shin*, I.-T. Cho, S. Y. Han, D. J. Lee, J. -H. Lee, and J. A. Rogers, “Solution-Processed Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube FETs and Bootstrapped Inverters for Disintegratable, Transient Electronics,” Applied Physics Letters 105, 013506 (2014)
[23] T.-I. Kim, M.J. Kim,Y. H. Jung, H. Jang, C. Dagdeviren,H. A. Pao, S. J. Cho, A. Carlson, K. J. Yu, A. Ameen, H. -J. Chung, S. H. Jin, Z. Ma, J. A. Rogers, "Thin Film Receiver Materials for Deterministic Assembly by Transfer Printing", Materials of Chemistry 26, 3502-3507 (2014)
[22] J. I. Kim, I.-T.Cho, S.-M. Joe, C.-Y. Jeong, D. Lee, H.-I. Kwon, S. H. Jin*, and J.-H. Lee*, “Effect of Temperature and Electric Field on Degradation in Amorphous InGaZnO TFTs Under Positive Gate and Drain Bias Stress”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 35, no.4, pp.458-460 (2014) (*Co-corresponding author)
[21] S. H. Jin, J. Song, H. U. Chung, C. Zhang, S. N. Dunham, X. Xie, F. Du, T.-I. Kim, J.-H. Lee, Y. Huang, and John A. Rogers, “Fundamental Effects in Nanoscale Thermocapillary Flow”, J. Appl. Phys. vol. 115, 054315 (2014)
[20] T.-I. Kim*, Y. H. Jung*, H.-J. Chung*, K. J. Yu, N. Ahmed, C. Corcoran, J.S. Park, S. H. Jin and J. A. Rogers, “Deterministic Assembly of Releasable Single Crystal Silicon-Metal Oxide Field-Effect Devices Formed From Bulk Wafers”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 182104 (2013)
[19] S. H. Jin*, S. N. Dunham*, J. Song, X. Xie, J. Kim, C. Lu, A. Islam, F. Du, J. Kim, J. Felts, Y. Li, F. Xiong, M. A. Wahab, M. Menon, E. Cho, K. L. Gross, D. J. Lee, H. U. Chung, E. Pop, M. A. Alam, W. P. King, Y. Huang, J. A. Rogers, ”Using Nanoscale Thermocapillary Flows to Create Purely Semiconducting Arrays of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes”, Nature Nanotechnology, 8, 347–355 (2013)
[18] W.-H. Yeo, Y.-S. Kim, J.W. Lee, A. Ameen, L. Shi, M. Li, S. Wang, R. Ma, S. H. Jin, Z. Kang, Y. Huang, J.A. Rogers, “Multifunctional Epidermal Electronics Printed Directly Onto the Skin”, Adv Mater (2013)
[17] M. A. Wahab*, S. H. Jin*, A. E. Islam, J. Kim, J. Kim, W.-H. Yeo, D. J. Lee, H. U. Chung, J. A. Rogers, and M. A. Alam, ”Electrostatic Dimension of Aligned-Array Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors”, ACS Nano, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 1299-1308 (2013) (*equal contribution)
[16] S. H. Jin*, A.E. Islam*, T.-I. Kim, J.-H. Kim, M.A. Alam and J.A. Rogers, "Sources of Hysteresis in Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors and Their Elimination Via Methylsiloxane Encapsulants and Optimized Growth Procedures," Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 22, pp. 2276-2284 (2012) (*equal contribution)
[15] A. E. Islam, F. Du, X. Ho, S. H. Jin, S. Dunham and J. A. Rogers, "Effect of variations in diameter and density on the statistics of aligned array carbon-nanotube field effect transistors,” Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 111, pp. 054511-054518 (2012)
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[2] J. D. Lee, S. H. Jin, B. C. Shim, and B.-G. Park, “A Formation of Co Silicide on Silicon Field Emitter Arrays by Electrical Stress,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 173-175 (2001)
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